You Matter-Faculty as First Responders: Using Connect to identify students who may need support to succeed

Where: Zoom
When: 9/16/2022 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Presenter(s): Andrea Carr; Amber Daugherty


Join us learn more about using UMKC Connect to communicate with students, advisors, and campus support services to support students to succeed.  This panel presentation will explain and demonstrate early alert options in Connect.  Experienced faculty users will share how they use Connect in their classes and share their provide tips and tricks to help you get started or improve your usage!


Annie Carr (UCOL), Amber Daugherty (UMKC Connect), Andrea (Drew) Hutchinson (SSE), Jae Jung (BLOCH), Gayle Levy (HSS) and Tammy Welchert (Roo Advising). 

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