Faculty Life and Leadership Focus Group

Where: Zoom
When: 2/15/2022 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Presenter(s): Lorie Holt; Molly Mead

Every professor moves through career stages across years of service, but few take time to consider how each phase (early, middle, late) presents different pressure points, advantages as well as disadvantages, and opportunities for advancement.

The Center for the Advancement of Faculty Excellence (CAFE) is hosting several 90-minute Zoom conversations open to mid-career faculty in particular. In a collaborative focus group setting facilitated by a CAFE fellow, participants will share insights about their own career stage perceptions and offer ideas about exactly what types of faculty support and development resources would prove most meaningful to their work at UMKC. Ultimately, focus group participants' responses will contribute to the development of resources and supports which fulfill the CAFE mission of supporting faculty at all career stages.

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